KCR Started And Students supported him
Sonia Gandhi Is ready to Give Telangana
Chandra Babu Naidu In a Big Confusion But has the intention to support telangana but not willing to tell it
Our C.M rosaiah Going to Delhi For solving the issue Of Telangana
People Of Telangana Waiting For Separate State
Announcement Of Chidambaram
People Of telangana Are Happy that they are going to have separate state and celebrating...
T.GVenaktesh Planning For Rayalaseema
Lagadapati Planning to do deeksha for samykyaandhra
PRP Leader Chiranjeevi Joined For samykyaandhra
these are the images whivh are credited to harish918@DG
I am Not Opposite to telangana Or not a supporter of samykyaandhra just a normal person
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