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3 1000 Magic Tricks Revealed E-book

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01. 10 amazing routines using the dynamic coins gimmick.pdf

02. 110 amazing magic tricks with everyday objects – marvin’s ma.pdf

03. al baker & co - our mysteries.pdf

04. aldo colombini - magnetic.pdf

05. aldo colombini - pre-deckability.pdf

06. aldo colombini - the band – 13 new effects with cards & rubb.pdf

07. alex elmsley - nfw.pdf

08. aliun levitation.pdf

09. anders moden - healed & sealed soda.pdf

10. andrew mayne - bisection.pdf

11. andrew mayne - head twister.pdf

12. andrew mayne - making money with magic .pdf

13. andrew mayne - pocket sawing in half.pdf

14. andrew mayne - spike through tongue.pdf

15. andrew mayne - three steps to dramatic magic.pdf

16. andrew mayne - touching the sky.pdf

17. andrew mayne - x-ray specs.pdf

18. annemann - 202 methods of forcing.pdf

19. annemann - annemann’s card miracles.pdf

20. annemann - buried treasure.pdf

21. annemann - card miracles.pdf

22. annemann - mental miracles.pdf

23. annemann - mental mysteries (1).pdf

24. annemann - mental mysteries.pdf

25. balloon sculpture.pdf

26. bar tricks - beer bottle magic trick.pdf

27. card levitation learn to levitate a card.pdf

28. cesaral melting point.pdf

29. coffee to coins magic trick.pdf

30. coin mind reading.pdf

31. dai vernon - a chinese classic.pdf

32. dai vernon - card of gods.pdf

33. dai vernon - expert card technique (the lost chapters).pdf

34. dai vernon - trick that cannot be explained.pdf

35. dan garrett - closeup connivery - vol 2.pdf

36. dan harlan - creativity in 9 steps.pdf

37. dan harlan - datetrick.pdf

38. dan harlan - hover card.pdf

39. daniel garcia - greed.pdf

40. daniel garcia - scatter.pdf

41. daniel garcia next notes.pdf

42. david blaine’s magic revealed.pdf

43. david copperfield - floating rose – explanation.pdf

44. david copperfield - laser pen illusion.pdf

45. david copperfield - magic revealed.pdf

46. david copperfield - misled.pdf

47. david ginn - almost unpublished.pdf

48. david goldblatt ventriloquism.pdf

49. david stone - basic coin magic 2 - dvd cover.pdf

50. david williamson - how magic works.pdf

51. docc hilford - cards cairo.pdf

52. docc hilford - cellular mitosis.pdf

53. docc hilford - center tear.pdf

54. docc hilford - fem fatale.pdf

55. docc hilford - mephisto’s journey.pdf

56. docc hilford - sideshow.pdf

57. docc hilford - the ball & tube.pdf

58. docc hilford - the cassandra deck.pdf

59. ed marlo - miracle card change.pdf

60. edward marlo - false riffle shuffle in one shuffle.pdf

61. edward marlo - marlo’s roughed stripper deck.pdf

62. edward marlo - the cardician – index.pdf

63. eugene burger - audience involvement lecture.pdf

64. eugene burger - collected essays.pdf

65. eugene burger- the secrets of restaurant magic.pdf

66. extreme (street) magic.pdf

67. floating bill and small objects levitation.pdf

68. frank r wallace - neocheating.pdf

69. goshman - multiplying sponge balls.pdf

70. gregory wilson - hundy 500.pdf

71. harry houdini - miracle mongers and their methods.pdf

72. houdini torture cell.pdf

73. illusions and mental phenomena vol 1.pdf

74. j.h. burlingame - tricks in magic.pdf

75. jay sankey - best of vol 1.pdf

76. jay sankey - cut here.pdf

77. jay sankey - dough.pdf

78. jay sankey - four seasons.pdf

79. jay sankey - magic of jay sankey.pdf

80. jay sankey - wrap it up.pdf

81. jeff ezell - close-up & parlor magic lecture notes.pdf

82. john carney - prediction carneycopia (center tear).pdf

83. john cornelius - fickle nickle.pdf

84. john williams - ezy magic fun book.pdf

85. learn sponge balls.pdf

86. lee asher card magic like the asher twist pulp friction catc.pdf

87. levitation library.pdf

88. levitation.pdf

89. liesbeth ketel - coin tricks.pdf

90. life skills - magic - david blaine - levitation.pdf

91. lou gallo - incredible cards & coins.pdf

92. magic - totaly impromptu deck levitation effect.pdf

93. magic tricks - the fruit machine code.pdf

94. magic tricks 110 page ebook.pdf

95. magic tricks for the beginning magician.pdf

96. marc desouza - die of destiny.pdf

97. marc spelmann- glimpse.pdf

98. matt beadle - advanced cups and balls.pdf

99. matt beadle - cups and balls explained.pdf

100. michael ammar - 3rd world lecture notes.pdf

101. michael ammar - albo card.pdf

102. michael ammar - fourth world lecture tour.pdf

103. michael ammar - the crazy man’s handcuffs.pdf

104. mike bent’s - zero gravity levitation.pdf

105. mind reading for fun and profit.pdf

106. money magic.pdf

107. paper magic - houdini.pdf

108. party magic tricks.pdf

109. paul daniels - how to make money by magic - 02.pdf

110. paul daniels - how to make money by magic - 05.pdf

111. paul daniels - how to make money by magic - 06.pdf

112. paul harris - buck naked.pdf

113. paul osborne - the black book - 105 where is she.pdf

114. pencil manipulation.pdf

115. pickpocketing - eddie joseph.pdf

116. r. paul wilson - absolute zero evolution.pdf

117. r. paul wilson - boxed transpo.pdf

118. r. paul wilson - double your pleasure.pdf

119. r. paul wilson - in slow effect.pdf

120. r. paul wilson - ricochet(1).pdf

121. r. paul wilson - ricochet.pdf

122. r. paul wilson - takingthem easy.pdf

123. r. paul wilson completely crowded.pdf

124. richard osterlind - the business of magic.pdf

125. richard robinson - the easy sponge ball act.pdf

126. robert anue hypnotic card deck.pdf

127. rope magic.pdf

128. ross jeffries - magick and psychic influence.pdf

129. scott guinn - great scott’s cups and balls routine.pdf

130. scott guinn - table-hopping cups and balls.pdf

131. senor mardo - magic for bartenders.pdf

132. simon aronson - the linking ring 2002 cover story.pdf

133. simon lovell - pen thru tongue.pdf

134. simon lovell - second to none illustrations.pdf

135. simon lovell -1- second to none.pdf

136. slydini – flight of the paper balls.pdf

137. stars of magic - john scarne – classic ball routine.pdf

138. stars of magic - john scarne – triple coincidence.pdf

139. steve fearson - card in ceiling.pdf

140. steve fearson - easy float.pdf

141. steve fearson - fearson’s aces.pdf

142. steve fearson - floating cigarette.pdf

143. steve fearson - insertion template.pdf

144. steve fearson - insertion.pdf

145. steve fearson - repop.pdf

146. steve fearson - self levitation box.pdf

147. steve fearson - station manager.pdf

148. steve fearson - the secret knowledge.pdf

149. steve fearson - the source (making invisible thread & wax).pdf

150. steve fearson - thumbthing templates.pdf

151. steve fearson - thumbthing.pdf

152. steve fearson - video vision.pdf

153. the art & meaning of magic.pdf

154. the magic library - theo annemann - annemann’s mental myster.pdf

155. the marlo miracle.pdf

156. thomas henry - one man parade - the linking ring.pdf

157. tin pusher - making the floating match effect.pdf

158. topit plans.pdf

159. - matrix.pdf

160. troy hooser - extroydinary.pdf

161. will blyth - paper magic.pdf

162. zero gravity (self-levitation).pdf

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3 responses:

Aaron Tan said...

nice File!
Also Please visit my site:
Magic Tricks Tutorial is a website that share card magic tricks and perform cool experiments such as how to make MagicTools in basic concept. It also has a step by step Tricks Tutorial and lastly in every Magic Tutorial there is an magic tricks revealed
section for explanation in each tricks.

Anonymous said...

how to open this file?thanks

Jayaraj said...

use winrar to open the file dude forgive me since it was my mistake bcoz i had not written extension of the file plz try to ope it with the help of winrar

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